Phone: 847.217.6703​
Hall of Fame Coach
Dates: June 1-July 15, 2020
To register for LIVE or Virtual Summer Basketball Camps, please follow the directions below:
STEP 1: Click Here to Register Online
STEP 2: (Includes PayPal Fee)
or mail a check to: John Ulrich, 637 S. Warren, Palatine, IL 60074
LIVE at Immanuel Lutheran School, 200 N. Plum Grove Rd, Palatine, IL 60067
or virtual at home
2020 Modified Camp Schedule
Camp will be every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
from Monday, June 15 – Wednesday, July 15
Level 1 (Beginner) 3:00 – 4:15
Level 2 (Beginner – Intermediate) 4:30 – 5:45
Level 3 (Intermediate - Advanced) 6:00 – 7:15
Level 4 (Advanced) 7:30 – 9:00
SESSION 2 Camp Schedule
Camp will be every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
from Monday, July 20 – Wednesday, August 5
Camp A (Grades 7 - 10) 12:30 – 2:00
Camp B (Grades 2 - 6) 2:15 – 3:45
Summary of important guidelines we are implementing and would like to highlight specifically:
Players may participate in camp via Zoom at the same time as regular camp.
Each participant must have a signed waiver (by their parent/guardian) on file agreeing to adhere to the guidelines outlined in our approach plan and that they understand the inherent risk with COVID-19.
No spectators or volunteers will be allowed in the gym at any time. Only trained staff and campers may be in the gym.
All staff and campers must wear a mask at ALL times while in the gym. Drills will be non-exhaustive in order to ensure breathability for each camper while wearing their mask.
Players will wait in their car until a wellness check is performed by the camp supervisor, including a temperature reading. If temperature is 100.4 F or above or if the camper displays any symptoms of COVID-19, they will be sent home immediately.
Upon exiting car, players must immediately sanitize their hands.
EVERY person will maintain a minimum of 6-ft. distance between every other person AT ALL TIMES.
The maximum number of players per group will be 10 players (while still 6-ft. apart) and each group will maintain a minimum of 30-ft. between groups at all times.
No scrimmaging or contact drills of any sort will take place. All drills will be individual skill development and completely solo.
EVERY person must bring their own basketball and touch ONLY their own basketball. No sharing of basketballs, passing or touching of anyone else’s ball will be permitted at any time.
Players will be trained how to avoid touching any handles or anything that is not their own property. If contact is required with any public surface (sink handle, etc.) then immediate sanitization will occur, through hand sanitizer or soap.
Visual posters and physical markers will be up throughout the gymnasium to remind EVERY person to maintain at least 6-ft. (hopefully 10-ft.) of social distancing.